My Companies
I admit. I love to help and see other businesses succeed however, the shear satisfaction of building your own brand is pretty hard to beat.
If you've seen my show Hawaiian Grown TV and Hawaiian Grown Kitchen before, I'd like to personally thank you for your support. Hawaiian Grown Catering is my catering company, Paradise Dressings is my wholesale/retail sauce, dressing, marinade line, and Hanapa'a Sushi Company is my retail sushi take-out location.
So how do they all tie together? Both Hanapa'a Sushi Company and Hawaiian Grown Catering buy sauces from Paradise Dressings. Hanapa'a Sushi Company does my live sushi bars for Hawaiian Grown Catering. So where does Hawaiian Grown TV come in? You got it! Hawaiian Grown TV and Hawaiian Grown Kitchen is my 30 minute infomercial, I mean TV series that airs statewide on OC16 twice daily. Both TV series play a key component in the success of Hawaiian Grown Catering, Hanapa'a Sushi Company, and Paradise Dressings. Besides branding and product awareness, I have an unfair advantage over my competition in the food service industry through the most intrusive mass medium, television!
Our problem is how do we explain everything we do on TV with such a short time frame? Simple we direct all inquiries, contest, subscriptions, and giveaways to their respective web sites. Once our viewers arrive, everything is trackable.
Why do I share this with you? Simply put, my brands are experiments I run with through trial and error before I sell a client on a marketing concept. My skills are proven and effective, regardless of what business industry you're in. I invite you to explore my brands below.